Discover Bevagna with UmbriaSì

In the flourishing valley of Umbria stands the city of Bevagna, originally populated by Umbrians with Etruscan influences. The original name, Mevania, is perhaps due to an Etruscan noble named Mefana, which became Mevania with the arrival of the Romans.
The bond that unites Sagrantino and Bevagna with deep-rooted origins is important and strong:
in fact, we read in the Historia Naturalis of Pliny the Elder, of a black grape variety produced in the municipality of Bevagna.
Enclosed in its walls, Bevagna experienced a flourishing building development with the construction of an amphitheater and Roman baths adorned with beautiful mosaics. The amphitheater itself, in medieval times, was then transformed and became part of a craftsman’s workshop on the ground floor with his residence on the upper floor: hence the famous saying “house and workshop”.
Among the Umbrian historical events and re-enactments, the one linked to the Mercato delle Gaite is singular and very fascinating, which for over 30 years has been proposing what medieval everyday life was like between 1250 and 1350: how people lived, what they did in the alleys of drink.
The event takes its name from the four main districts of Bevagna, the Gaite, and every year, at the end of June, it brings back to life the ancient uses and customs of the drinkers engaged in four competitions, Gastronomic, Trades, Market and Archery. Music, food, instruments, clothes…everything recalls the Bevagna of that century, a historical leap in time that fascinates and amazes.
Another experience is the Circuit of Medieval Crafts: real laboratories to be able to experience the arts and crafts of that time, among ancient machinery, engineering instruments, which have made the history of commerce and artisan production of Bevagna: the Setificio , the painter’s workshop, the Mastro Cecco paper mill and the wax factory.

Stroll along the streets, among taverns, clubs, wine bars and more modern wine bars where you can sip a glass of Montefalco Sagrantino or even in its sparkling version to have vivacity and freshness on spring days when the sun is still shy but warms up just enough to make you enjoy a walk in the open air.

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Visit Bevagna

Tasty weekend in Umbria among the villages more beautiful in Italy