Foliage in Umbria

The Green Heart of Italy warms up with colors in autumn: from September Umbria lights up with red, yellow and orange!

After the summer heat, nature blows its most beautiful colors and, temporarily abandoning the green, it colors before the arrival of winter. Autumn in Umbria is made up of the smell of leaves, of wood burning in the first fireplaces that are lit.

It is the season of harvesting and pressing the olives, then boiling the musts and mills where you can taste the bruschetta with the new oil.

Don’t miss a bike ride along the Strada del Sagrantino, with its purple vines, or a walk in the woods, such as the Bosco di San Francesco in Assisi, where you can admire the autumn foliage, or go with the children to collect chestnut curls in the area of ​​Città di Castello.